Close Books Faster with Automated Bookkeeping

Automate administrative tasks
and unlock your team’s potential
to do their best work.

Trusted by 1,000s of leading Canadian companies.†

Finance without the frustration

Save hours chasing paperwork and receipts and finally get to take that vacation at month-end.


Close the books faster

Streamline your workflows with intuitive software that lets you close on your own terms.

Intuitive Receipt Capture

Capture every expense detail with helpful prompts and powerful deciphering.

Simple Integrations

Quick set-up for employees and seamless accounting integrations that help you close faster.

Automated Bookkeeping

Auto-code transactions as they happen and close your books continuously.

Eliminate manual data entry

Create rules to code similar transactions and let Float do the heavy lifting on reconciliations.

Automate GL codes, tax codes, merchants and more on similar transactions.

Create merchant-specific cards and automate the coding for all card transactions.

Save time at month-end and cut down on human error.

Let cardholders code so you don’t have to

Float reminds cardholders to submit receipts, GL codes, and more as soon as a purchase is made.

Instant reminders to submit receipts and backup.‡

Limit codes so employees know what to select.

Eliminate back-and-forth figuring out what a transaction was for.

Export transactions for a faster month-end

Save time by exporting transactions already coded and with receipts.

Sync your Chart of Accounts to Float.

Export transactions directly to QBO, Xero, or NetSuite.

Create custom CSV templates to export transactions to your accounting software.

Designed to sync seamlessly into your workflow

Simplify your spending with accounting, HR, and productivity integrations that scale.

How it Works

Less chasing, more

Close continuously with real-time transactions, instant reminders,
and automated coding.‡


Make a purchase using your Float card.


Text a photo of your receipt.


Export transactions already coded and with receipts.

“We have hundreds and hundreds of transactions a month, which is why this platform is so huge for us. To go through that many receipts would be impossible.”

Heather Brunt
Financial Controller

Come for the card,
stay for the software

Corporate Cards

Spend, track, approve, and reconcile all your CAD and USD expenses in one simple to use platform.

Reporting and Insights

React quickly to changes in spending patterns and market trends with real-time insights into your spend.

Expense Management

Get  customized spend controls and approval policies to help you manage your company spend. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Float integrates with Quickbooks Online, Xero, and Netsuite accounting systems natively. Float also offers customizable export builder and API integrations for customers that are looking to connect with other accounting softwares.

AP (Accounts Payable) automation is the process of using software to streamline and automate the tasks associated with managing a company’s payments to vendors and suppliers. This includes automating invoice processing, approvals, and payments. Float’s Bill Pay product helps businesses of all sizes automate Accounts Payable and streamlines AP by integrating AI-powered document extraction, custom approval workflows, and seamless payment methods like EFT, ACH, and Global Wire transfers — Try Float’s Bill Pay today for free.

Float’s accounting automations help businesses close books up to 8x faster. Float saves time by auto-coding transactions, capturing receipts instantly, and syncing with accounting software like QuickBooks, Xero, or Netsuite.

Float’s corporate card has the same acceptance rates as a traditional Visa or Mastercard corporate credit card. However, unlike a traditional corporate credit card, Float operates on a Charge Card or Prepaid funding model. Charge Card is different from Credit Card, as the balance has to be repaid fully at the end of the month, whereas a credit card charges an interest rate and allows you to carry over the balance into a future month. You can apply (*Conditions apply. Book a demo to learn more) for unsecured, 30-day credit terms with high limits up to $1M, no credit checks and personal guarantees. Prepaid model offers 4% interest on all deposits with no cash lockups with account opening in < 24 hours.

Float captures and manages receipts by allowing users to upload them through multiple methods: via the mobile app, email forwarding, or by texting a photo of the receipt. Once uploaded, receipts are automatically matched to corresponding transactions. Float also sends instant reminders to cardholders to submit receipts after a purchase, ensuring compliance and making reconciliation seamless.

Yes, you can create custom rules for transaction coding in Float. These rules allow administrators and bookkeepers to automatically categorize transactions by assigning GL codes, tax codes, vendors, and other accounting fields based on the merchant. Float also enables you to pre-categorize a card (Physical or Virtual) directly to any accounting GL, Tax code or Vendor. This helps streamline the accounting process by ensuring consistency and saving time with automated coding for recurring transactions.

Unlike traditional cards that get you to spend more, Float is the only corporate card in the world that helps businesses spend less. Through a combination of financial rewards like our 1% cashback, 4% interest on deposits, no FX fees with our USD cards and time savings of at least 8 hours per employee Float’s customers on average save 7% on their spend.